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The Opportunity for Mission-driven Founders

In the preceding pages, we have presented a number of companies that are starting to populate the AI Assurance Technology sector. However, as the market-sizing analysis shows, these existing companies only make up a small fraction of the ecosystem needed to meet increasing demands for AIAT services over the coming years. Entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds—spanning expertise in software engineering and computer science to ethics and social science, as well as a practical understanding of business risk management—will need to step up. While this no doubt requires sharp minds, hardworking attitudes, and an ability to envision revolutionary futures, the promised rewards for investing great efforts now are bound to be huge Successful founders in this space will build the tools and services AI developers and deployers need to act responsibly, and they will provide vital expertise to inform standards design and regulatory enforcement. Along the way these founders will build lasting companies with a strong social purpose, and financially sustainable profit streams, as key business partners for major enterprises. To get started, we suggest entrepreneurs:

  1. Start building innovative AIAT organisations that can address gaps in safety, security, compliance, and authenticity in the emerging AI risk paradigm.

  2. Implement robust, forward-thinking internal corporate governance protocols to ensure each company's mission can be sustained long-term, and seek out values-aligned investors offering mission-first financing vehicles in alignment with the purpose of AI Assurance Technology.

  3. Collaborate with AI developers and deployers, regulators, investors, consumers, and civil society to understand which scalable, technical solutions could be further developed to address current and future risks related to AI.